Who are these broker lists valuable to?

These lists are valuable to anyone who would like to communicate or sell to real estate agents and brokers. Such people could include other brokers and agents, tailors, cleaners, moving companies, event organizers, lead generation services, other brokers, recruiters, broker coaches, etc.

Which areas around the United States do you currently offer?

You can visit our cities page to see our full list of offered cities/counties.

What makes this list different from your competitors’ lists?

Simply put, we take pride in providing more and higher-quality contacts for less money. This results in bounceback rates that are as low as possible for you, our customer. On lists these size, some bouncebacks are inevitable, but we work hard to minimize them. Other similar list vendors are known for high-priced lists that are stale, old, and have high bounce-back rates.

How does your price compare to competitors?

We charge significantly less than competing companies, in most cases about 25%-50%+ less per contact.

How do I purchase and receive a list?

Simply visit our purchase page here, select the city/county that you’d like, make the purchase, and we will email you the list within a couple hours.

How can I know that the list that I purchase will be high quality?

We have been creating, maintaining, and updating lead lists for years and we take serious pride in our quality. If you ever have any questions, we also take pride in our responsiveness and customer service before, during, and after your purchase.

What form does the list come in and what information is included?

The list comes in Excel spreadsheet format and includes: contact name, firm, office address, phone number, and e-mail address.

What if I have a question, comment, or concern before, during, or after purchasing a list from brokerlistusa.com?

Feel free to reach out to us anytime at info@brokerlistusa.com. We take pride in our customer service and responsiveness.

How do I know my payment will be secure?

We use Stripe, one of the world’s most popular and secure payment systems to process all purchases.

Once I purchase a list, how can I use it for my e-mail campaigns?

The list will be sent to you in Excel spreadsheet format and you can easily upload it to the e-mail software of your choice, whether it is Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Sendinblue, or any other one.