Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy provides an overview of all information regarding the processing of personal data by Broker List USA LLC, a company registered in accordance with the laws of New York, at 442 5th Ave New York, NY 10018, under company number 646-741-8291 hereafter referred to as The Company, we or us. The Company does everything to ensure its users’ privacy. We strive to make you feel safe when we collect or share your data and therefore, we want to be transparent on how we collect, use, share and store the information about you and the choices available to you as data subject. As such, this Privacy Policy is about how we handle the personal information of customers and users of The Company (the Privacy Policy). The Privacy Policy applies to the The Company website, located at (the Website), as well as your use of or access to any of our online services.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time and with or without specific notice. This may have to happen in the case of new developments, activities, online services or when applicable legislation is changed. We therefore recommend that you regularly check this Privacy Policy to ensure that you are aware of possible changes.

  1. When does this Privacy Policy apply?

This Privacy Policy applies to the processing of personal data of The Company users and visitors to the Website. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the processing of employee data in the context of their employment or contract relationship with The Company. The Company strives to adequately protect your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, regardless of your location and where we process the data.

  1. What types of personal information do we collect and why?


  • To offer you the functionalities of the Website and for the technical and functional management thereof.

    When you visit our Website, we want to offer you the best possible experience and functionalities. To this end, we process technical data of everyone who visits and uses our Website to manage and improve its performance. We also need to process your personal data so that you can save your data (or preferences) to configure your device to give you a personalized experience. The Company uses this data in an aggregated form and this information can therefore not be traced to a computer or individual. To the extent that it is necessary under applicable legislation, we process your personal data for this purpose based on your consent. Upon visiting our Website, you will be prompted to consent to the use of cookies. For this purpose, we process all personal data that you have entered on our website or that is generated by the use of our cookies, including your IP address and which internet browser you use.

    • For answering your questions and handling complaints


    If you contact us at our office or through a contact form on our Website, we will use your personal information to answer your question or to handle a complaint. We process your personal data based on consent and legitimate interest. Where possible, we will ask for you consent before you contact us, such as through the contact form. In any other case, our legitimate interest is formed by our intention to handle your complaints and questions carefully in order to properly run and improve our business. For this purpose, we process your name, contact details, your correspondence with The Company about your question or complaint and all other personal information that is required to answer your question or handle your specific query and/or complaint.


    • To gather leads


    The Company gathers its leads manually by accessing public information. All information gathered is company-related information or information regarding individuals of a professional nature. We use this information to put our leads together. For this purpose, we process contact information such as your company address, phone number, and company e-mail address and

    personal information such as your name. Due to the nature of this purpose, we must keep this information for an unlimited period.

    • To process your payment

    Given the nature of our business, we establish contractual relationships with our customers, and we need to be able to perform our legal obligations under the applicable terms and conditions. We process your personal data to execute your payment, as well as for administrative purposes. We process personal data for this purpose based on our contract with you and our legitimate interest. We do this based on the contract you entered into with The Company regarding entry into a competition. Our legitimate interest in processing your data stems from our intention to comply with applicable law. For this purpose, we process your contact details such as your address, telephone number and e-mail address, personal data such as name and payment and credit information.

    • For relationship management and marketing


    The Company uses the information in the contractual relationships database to provide a newsletter, customer service and marketing services. We also use your personal data for the development, execution and analysis of market research and marketing strategies. Finally, your data may be used for promotion and announcement of the winner of a competition. We process your personal data for this purpose based on your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time, without this having consequence for the lawfulness of processing based on permission before withdrawal. For this purpose, we process your contact details such as your address and e-mail address and personal details such as your name and date of birth, contact preferences, payment information, order history and correspondence with us. Personal data is stored for a maximum of 10 years after the termination of our relationship. After this period your personal data will be deleted from our systems.

    1. Special personal data

      We insist on not processing any personal data of minors, unless this is explicitly consented to by a parent or legal guardian. However, as it is hard to detect whether we are doing so, we strongly encourage you to inform us if you have reason to believe we process the personal data of a minor. We will delete this personal data instantly.


      1. Which parties have access to your personal data?

      The Company undertakes every effort to protect your personal data and has taken the necessary steps to this end. Only our employees have access to personal data, and only to the extent necessary to properly perform their individual tasks.

      The Company only shares personal information with third parties if it is necessary to serve the applicable purpose as set out above. When a third party processes your personal data, this is only possible according to the instructions of The Company. They therefore act as our data processor. In all cases, we will ensure that third parties with access to your personal information have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to maintain our intended level of privacy and security. We conclude the necessary agreement with the data processor(s), whereby we include obligations to ensure that your personal data is only processed so that the data processor can fulfill his duty to provide services to us.

      Under these conditions, the following third parties will have access to your personal data:

      • Information regarding your purchases and payments is shared with billing and payment processing services, fraud detection and prevention services, accounting and financial advisors.
      • Information regarding your use of our Website and other information received from cookies and similar technology is shared with web analytics, session recording, and online marketing services.
      • Customers of the Company may have access to information used in our leads when they make a purchase. However, they are obliged under the applicable terms and conditions to only use this information for its intended purpose and must keep the leads confidential.

        In all other cases, your personal information will not be provided to third parties, unless required by law. The Company will never sell your personal data.

        1. Security

        Your personal information is stored securely at all times. We value the protection of your privacy. As such, we ensure that the personal data is only accessible to those specific persons who are authorized based on their function. In addition, we have implemented measures to guarantee your safe visit to and use of our Website. This way we prevent misuse of your data. These measures include computer security and protected files and facilities.

        The Company has taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent, identify, report and deal with data protection breaches.

        External Links

        Our Website can sometimes display links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies that these other websites use, nor for its content. We advise you to inform yourself by reading the privacy policies on these websites.

        Any Questions?

        If you still have questions after reading this Privacy Policy or if you have suggestions or comments about its content, you can always contact us via: